Sage 'Stache

mustache |ˈməsˌta sh; məˈsta sh | (also moustache) noun a strip of hair left to grow above the upper lip. • ( mustaches) a long mustache. • a similar growth, or a marking that resembles it, around the mouth of some animals. DERIVATIVES mustached adjective ORIGIN late 16th cent.: from French, from Italian mostaccio, from Greek mustax, mustak-. moustache noun variant spelling of mustache .

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

triple the fun

my last post was exceedingly long, and i realize that it was a bit of overkill . . . but i had a lot to say about the metro. to make up for such a long ass post, i am making this one picture heavy. today is a triple dose of mustachio fun.

i caught this guy on the subway the other morning by chance. i find both him and his mustache frightening. i didn't even have to get him to pose like this . . . he was just chilling like this when i happened upon him. seriously, he has more mustachio hair than i have hair on my head. what this picture doesn't show is the man that "scary 'stache" just killed. he is holding what's rest of the man he murdered with his left hand out of the picture. insanity on the metro!

had a great saturday night here in the city. tons of people were out for a variety of free concerts and events as part of a spring festival. all the venues were open-air and there was a lot of energy in the centro historico. the people i was with were great too. the best discussion of the night was between a black guy from barbados and a white girl from switzerland regarding dancing. while talking about what constituted dancingm, my friend from barbados was hoping to catch some reggae and/or some reggaeton and dance with some ladies, while the swiss girl was insisting that when she went out to dance, she didn't want a guy rubbing up on her. clearly this was a cultural clash of epic proportions. the discussion ended when the gentleman from barbados calmly, yet triumphantly decleared (with a caribbean accent): "if we ain't touchin', we ain't dancin'". i still laugh to myself thinking about this. anyway, the guy in the picture with the "saxy 'stache" was jammin' on the street and was rocking the theme to the pink panther when we strolled by. seemed to be enjoying himself despite the other more popular gigs on the streets of mexico city.

finally, an update on El Bigote. this picture was taken from the roof of the building i work on and i call it the "too cool for school 'stache". i trimmed the edges of the 'stache a bit so it doesn't come down quite as far past the edges of my mouth and i thinned it out slightly. i'm pleased with the grooming effort and generally happy with progress to date. i've been thinking about going to the very thin 'stache just above the lip, but cannot bring myself to do so. it's a bit cheesy. but, obviously, that hasn't stopped me before . . .

coming soon . . . a guest 'stache! in the mean time, remember that . . .

** much like girls, a 'stache just wants to have fun. **


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